Meaning of being loved

What do we mean by being loved?
Is knowing each other love?
Is spending time with each other love?
Is holding hands love?
Is caring for each other love?
OR to part away is love?

The feeling of being secure,
The thought of caring,
The sound of beat when together,
The assurance of staying forever,
The belief in each other,
OR to let go of the one.

I still can't understand,
What is being loved?

The shrieking silence

It came trouncing upon,
To wash away the blossoms,
The shadows grew on and on,
I stood there wondering and watching the change.

Moving ahead on the road,
The wind that felt was cold,
The sky was wearing a dark cloak of clouds,
With the light joyful cheering of birds drew away.

Rays of light sometime played hide and seek,
It was the silence before the storm,
There strikes the lightening and thunder,
And the storm begin as well as the journey.

The complete day

The day when I reached,
To the place, of which I always imagined.

In the morning I saw the light,
Which brought me happiness so bright.
Thou blessings showered on me,
Filled the space with light chasing the dark.

When time shifted to noon,
Light got brighter and brighter.
It was the shining which started the pain,
Vision was hurt and begun the rain.

Blindfolded comes the evening,
While the rays of hope started to fade.
The pain of vision reduced,
But the gleam in the eyes never vanished.

Time passed and night crawled,
The light left the space and came the dark.
Staring to the destiny there I stood,
Just gazing in the eyes and struck like stone.

I am not ready

Few things are meant to be,
Few things are supposed to be
The fate is already decided,
But I am not ready to take the way it is

First time we open our eyes,
Prophecy is sealed from the stars
We follow the path made and told by others
But I am not ready to take the path that lie ahead

Learning the preaching told by elders
At the age of playing marbles
Without knowing the truth behind them,
I am not ready to follow them

Listening to everyone while thinking what to do,
At the time to follow the voice of heart
In the midst of this clamour without overhearing that voice,
I am not ready to listen to everyone

Physical manifestation of word LUCK

What luck!!!

The only guy who escapes a city struck by some disaster with his family was Our HERO. My jaw dropped as I saw the driving skills of our hero.

When our hero reached airport he saw the pilot of his plane dead, now what? But luckily boyfriend of our hero’s wife was a beginner pilot (who flew plane with amazing acrobatic skills not possible for a normal pilot). OK now when our hero got a plane to go away from the city. Let’s say the wave of disaster chased our hero until he crossed the city borders, the waves even chased the plane on runway, that was luck definitely.

Then after falling in a sudden fissure developed in the ground, I don’t know how our hero got out (luck obviously) and than he ran with a speed of at least 40 miles per hour to catch a plane taking off. (Even Usain Bolt run at 22 miles per hour)

It was luck of our hero as he saved his family even after a plane crash. Again thanks to the driving skills of our hero as everyone was in a car when they got out from the landing plane. (This scene reminded me of the character Launchpad in the cartoon series Ducktales he always used to get out live after plane crashes luckily)

It was luck again that the place where plane crashed our hero met a boy and luckily the boy was also going to the same place where our hero was. And then when our hero tried to get his family on board a huge arc, that time our hero got lucky and got rid of his wife’s boyfriend.

And then our hero and his child (an extraordinary underwater swimmer at an age of 5 or 6) saved people in the arc by removing a rope (which was struck in the gears when they were entering the arc) from the gear box of the gate.

After watching the performance of hero in this game of luck, I realised that this level of performance cannot be achieved even by Rajnikanth and Mithun Da.